
Lango sub region has within the past year recorded two consecutive parliamentary by-elections in Oyam North and Dokolo district.

During all these two elections, Lango openly rejected the attempt to promote the politic of inheritance, where the child of the former leader is fronted to replace the position previously held by the parent.

Like we once predicted during the Oyam North by-election that Samuel Junior Okello Engola would not win to replace his father’s parliamentary seat, this came to pass successfully.

Just last week, this same News Hub revealed how Dr. Rosemary Alwoc, the daughter of late MP Cecilia Ogwal, was facing a dozen  political hurdles in an attempt to replace her mother’s seat in parliament.

In that same analysis, we told you how NRM Party candidate Janet Adong Elau was also facing similar political challenges emanating from poor mobilization strategies delivered by the secretariat. This same revelation has come to pass, as we did it right.

To many political pundits, Obote’s angry ghosts are up against the politics of inheritance and have been itching to end the late Cecilia Ogwal’s family political empire.

On Thursday, March 21st, 2024, at exactly 2242 hours (10:42 p.m.), Stephen Ngobi, the Dokolo District returning officer, declared UPC’s Sarah Aguti Nyangkori the winner of the Dokolo Woman MP cy-election with 23,044 votes. NRM’s Janet Rose Elau came in second with 14,001 votes, while FDC’s Rosemary Alwoch scored 8,168 votes.

  • UPC Aguti 23,044
  • NRM Adongo 14,001
  • FDC Ogwal 8,168
  • Ind Akullo 790
  • NUP Ageno 727
  • Ind Arao 439

Aguti, a soft-spoken political student of the late Obote’s foundation (Uganda House), beat five other candidates in the by-election, including Dr. Alwoc Ogwal of the FDC, Janet Rose Adongo Elau of the NRM, Harriet Ageno of the NUP,, Dr. Esther Akullo Obot Otada, and Rebecca Arao, both independents.

Votes were counted amid tight security. The police struggled to counter allegations of voter bribery, vote stuffing, and violence that emerged in the afternoon. Major complaints came from the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) and the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC).

The FDC camp pointed fingers at the security team in Dokolo for allegedly arresting three of their supporters, including two personal assistants to the party president, Patrick Oboi Amuriat. The group was reportedly apprehended over the alleged theft of one million shillings at Bata Town Council on Wednesday night.

Several RDCs, including Sebastian Oswin Oguti, the RDC of Lamwo, Lira RCC Lawrence Egola, and others, were all deployed in Dokolo in an attempt to secure victory.

During the polls, the UPC party president, Jimmy James Akena, said that the money had been exchanged, with each village allegedly receiving 200,000 shillings from the ruling NRM party through the RDCs, which he declined to put on the police record.

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