MP Auma Speaks on Latest Appointment, Reveals Great Optimism


On Wednesday, June 19th 2024, the Gov’t Chief Whip, Hon. Denis Hamson Obua, reshuffled several chairpersons and vice chairpersons on various sectoral parliamentary committees to serve in the fourth session of the 11th parliament as required by law.

In his announcement, GCW Obua elevated the Lira District Woman Representative, MP Linda Agnes Auma become the Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries. She will be deputized by Hon. Hope Nakazibwe Grania.

Auma was previously the Vice Chairperson of the same committee, replaced her former Chairperson, MP Janet Akore More (Abim), who was dropped in the new reshuffle.

“I’ve been appointed the Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee, replacing my former C/P Janet Okori-Moe (DWR Abim), with whom we have worked since our appointments. I’ll be deputized by Hope Grania Nakazibwe (Mubende DWR),” said MP Auma.

MP Auma, who is serving her first term in Parliament, welcomed the appointment with great confidence to deliver her roles in accordance with the parliamentary guidelines.

She noted that in addition to her roles, the appointment will also enhance her lobby capacity to serve the people of Lira district and Uganda as a whole.

“I wish to thank GCW Hon. Denis Obua for putting his confidence in me. I will surely perform and deliver my roles to serve our great nation, Uganda,” said MP Auma.

Kole North MP Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti retained his position as the Vice Chairperson for the Committee on Health; Boniface Okot (Youth Northern Region) was named the Vice Chairperson on the Trade and Tourism Committee; and MP Tonny Ayoo (Kwania County) has also retained his slot as the Vice Chairperson for ICT and National Guidance Committee.

Parliamentary Sectoral Committees serve for one session concurrent with the financial year. Parliament has a total of fif­teen (15) Sec­toral Com­mit­tees pro­vided for under rule 175 of the Par­lia­men­tary Rules of Procedure, and these include com­mit­tees on Agri­cul­ture, An­i­mal In­dus­try and Fish­eries; Tourism, Trade, and In­dus­try; Health; Education and Sports; Physical In­fra­struc­ture; Le­gal and Par­lia­men­tary Af­fairs, among others.

The Sec­toral Com­mit­tees are man­dated to carry out the func­tions of ex­am­in­ing and com­ment­ing on the poli­cies mat­ters affecting the min­istries they cover, to ini­ti­ate or evaluate the action programs of those min­istries and sec­tors, and to make appropriate recommendations for them.

It is also mandated to ex­am­ine crit­i­cally Gov­ern­ment re­cur­rent and cap­i­tal bud­get es­ti­mates and make rec­om­men­da­tions on them for general de­bate in the House, ex­am­ine bills brought by Gov­ern­ment be­fore the House among others.



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