Alebtong Starts Construction of 17 Roads; Leaders Calls for Wealth Creation


Alebtong district has launched the construction of 17 rural roads this financial year in a bid to spur infrastructural development as a critical component of improving the socioeconomic backbone of the area.

On Friday, October 6th, the Alebtong District Woman MP Dorcas Acen (NRM) and also the current District Roads Committee led a team of leaders, including the Government Chief Whip, MP Denis Hanson Obua (Ajuri), and LCV Chairperson David Kennedy Odongo, among others, to preside over the launch of massive construction works due to start soon.

MP Acen said the district has so far received a sum of Ugx250 million this first quarter out of the one billion shillings earmarked by the government to finance road construction in the district.

She said the roads due for upgrade this financial year include the 16-kilometre road stretch from Okuro trading centre via Alololo parish up to Adwir Sub County and the 10-kilometre road from Aminomugu via Owalo to Olwinyipii in Awei Sub County, all in Ajuri County.

The other roads include the 6km road that connects Bless-Hope School to Oloo and the 15km road stretching from Abongodyang via Oteno to Tekulu in Abia Sub County in Moroto County, among others.

“We are going to open 17 roads, including nine in Ajuri and eight in Moroto counties, and one bridge in Moroto County,” said MP Acen.

MP Dorcas Acen while addressing local residents during the launch on Friday, October 6th in Alebtong district.

MP Acen noted that an improved road network is a critical economic driver and urged local residents to engage in large-scale commercial agriculture.

GCW Denis Hamson Obua, the Ajuri County Member of Parliament, assured local residents of the government’s commitment to deliver the NRM manifesto, which includes wealth creation and prosperity for everyone.

GCW Denis Hamson Obua with Alebtong district woman MP Dorcas Acen among other local leaders during the launch.

According to GCW Obua, as leaders of Alebtong district, they will continue to lobby for more funding from the government to empower local people.

He urged local people to fully engage in various government programmes, including the parish development model, to escalate household wealth.

David Kennedy Odongo (UPC), the Alebtong LCV chairperson, called for unity and reconciliation among leaders if they are to deliver effective services to residents.

Odongo applauded President Museveni and area legislators for prioritizing Alebtong district to benefit from the funding, adding that development knows no political boundaries and must be supported by everyone.

Once completed, the construction will improve the current appalling road network within the district.

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Bobson Opio
Bobson Opio
Bobson Opio is a trained Journalist based in Lira City,Northern Uganda.He writes for the Nile Times News but also works with Radio QFM 94.3 in Lira City.Opio focuses on health, education, politics, court and good governance issues.As a senior broadcast Journalist, Opio holds an experience dating back to 2012 when he joined Radio QFM as a luo news anchor.


  1. Help us on the road from lira to kotido at least they make it a tarmac road it’s really very bad road but otherwise wel done so far docaus acen but men mp are not helping


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