
Why You Must Treasure Your Job While It’s Still Available

A job is a big treasure in the life of every person who understands what it means to be employed. Have you ever taken time...

‘Foot Soldiers’: Who They Are, Their Purpose and Who They Work For  

We have all, at some point, heard about the famous 'foot soldiers' in Uganda. For those who have not heard about them, foot soldiers...

Has FDC Outlived its Usefulness And is it Time for it to Disintegrate?

A top official in the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party ranks called it quits last week due to underlying and unbearable factors in...

APPALLING: The Escalating Societal Immorality , Dirty Politics

In recent times, our motherland has suffered sophisticated levels of immorality. This leaves one wondering what could be the cause of this unwanted behaviour...

Domestic Violence on the Raise in Uganda: What’s the Cause, Solution?

Domestic violence is on the raise across the country despite the presence of laws and policies to protect victims and survivors. Domestic violence is...



