Coronation of Eng. Dr. MM Okune as Next Won Nyaci Hangs in Balance


The planned coronation of Eng. Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune as the next Won Nyaci of Lango, which is slated for November 2024, continues to face uncertainty.

Dr. Okune was elected in March during an election that has since been disputed by a group of clan leaders loyal to the current Won Nyaci, His Highness Yosam Odur.

The latest setback stemmed from the recent decision by H.H. Odur to hand over his leadership mantle and blessing to Amb. Dickson Ogwang, the head of the Pala-Ocol Clan.

Through his Prime Minister, Eng. James Ajal, H.H. Odur recently notified the government and specifically President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni about the decision to hold a fresh election to pave the way for the November coronation of a new paramount chief.

Early this week, the Coronation Committee of Dr. Okune got shocked after a fundraising lunch held at the Hotel Africana in Kampala attracted a paltry number of people.

It is said that out of the 33 MPs from Lango who had been invited to the event, very few attended. A similar stalemate was witnessed by several professionals, businessmen, and other partners who boycotted the event.

A source in the Committee of Mobilization revealed that very few people attended the event, a move that confirmed the mega boycott that had been reported.

The Coronation team has also been wondering why most top leaders and elites who were recently appointed to various committees have not yet accepted the different roles assigned to them.

By Wednesday, a legal team hired by Odur’s group with the guidance of senior legal brains in government had concluded filling out documents and gathering documents to be presented to court anytime seeking to block Okune’s coronation.

Recently, Lango in Diaspora announced overwhelming support for H.H. Odur’s decision to kick-start the succession plan at Lango Cultural Foundation.

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