Court Releases 6 Rwenzururu Royal Guards on Bail after 6 Years on Remand


Court has on Tuesday 20th December 2022, released six (6) Rwenzururu Kingdom Royal guards on non-cash bail of ten million shillings (ugx10m).

According to the High Judge Alice Komuhangi Kaukha of the International Crimes Division, the guards were released on grounds that they had advanced in age and looked frail and sickly after six years on remand at Jinja Main Prison.

“The accused have been released on non-cash bail of ten million shillings, and their sureties ordered to sign a non-cash bond of ten million shillings each,” Kaukha said.

Among the released were, 74 year old Eria Kyle Sibidere, 70 year old Daudi Bahangondi, 66 year old Bwambale Bahingana, Julius Masereka, Yowas Rubasesera and Joram Thaghembwa.

However, Kaukha ordered them to report at the Kasese Chief magistrate Court every last Friday of the month with a copy of their National ID and a letter from their area Chairpersons.

The Court also denied bail to the remaining 43 guards stating that they have not proved any special circumstances or illnesses that cannot be handled in prison to warrant bail.

She ordered prosecution and the Court registrar to ensure that the case of the suspects’ pleas goes for trial before April 2023.

The six were part of the 49 jailed royal guards who were arrested together with Rwenzururu King Charles Wesley Mumbere in 2016 after the attack on the Buhikirwa Royal Palace in Kasese.

They are charged with murder, treason, misconception of treason, kidnap, terrorism, aggravated robbery and maliciously damage to property.


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