Ex-Minister Attacks Museveni for Not Prioritizing Operation Against Cattle Rustlers


On Thursday, April 20th, 2023, a section of local leaders in Lango sub region were arrested by the security in Otuke district for allegedly organizing an illegal meeting that was meant to discuss an urgent way forward to counter the rampant cattle raids in Otuke and Alebtong districts.

The intended meeting was to be held at Acanpii P.7 School, Ogwete Sub County, in Otuke District, but was blocked by the police on the orders of Deputy RDC Geoffrey Okol.

This has attracted a bitter reaction from the people of Lango sub region, including Daniel Omara Atubo, aged 78, and the former Lands Minister, who served in the NRM for many years before being dropped from Cabinet in 2011.

Atubo condemned the security decision to block the meeting and subsequently arrested local leaders.

Francis Abola, the Otuke LCV, Lameck Ogwal YK, and the Speaker of the Otuke District Council were among the local leaders who were arrested.

To former Minister Atubo, President Museveni hasn’t done enough as the Commander in Chief of all the Armed Forces in Uganda to contain cattle rustlers from disturbing neighbouring communities.

In addition to criticizing the manner in which local security commanders in Otuke district acted, Hon. Atubo directly faulted President Museveni for prioritizing the deteriorating security situation in Lango, Acholi, and other parts mooted by the rustlers.

The voice clip ofoEx-Minister Atubo attacking President Museveni over Karamojong cattle warriors. 

“For those who used to think that NRM upholds human rights, it’s now time for them to know the truth. I was once jailed over Karamojong cattle rustlers, and history is repeating itself. This is the time for every Lango to condemn Museveni,” Atubo said during a morning talkback show on Radio Voice of Lango on Friday morning in Lira City.

On Thursday, President Museveni vowed to pitch camp in the Karamoja region to supervise special operations against cattle rustlers.

While responding to a concern of MPs from the affected region that was presented by the government chief whip, Hon. Denis Hamson Obua, the president said he had met army commanders over the same and will soon meet them again to find lasting solutions.

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