How my mother covered up for my step father who raped me when I was 12


How my mother covered up for my step father who raped me when I was 12

“In a marriage with children, it may seem spontaneous to put the kids first, however it is healthier to make your spouse the priority, and this is because it benefits all your family members. If you have an emotionally solid marriage with a good foundation, your children will feel happier, more stable and more secure,” said Yvonne Thomas a Psychologist.

As a child, one depends a lot on the people around, especially mothers for everything in life. From the tinniest things to the biggest things in life, safety, love, security, life’s happenings and the like.

I am Namataka Judith, married woman of 30 years old. I would have no kind words for my mother but I moved on and that’s why I tell this story.

My mother whom I loved so much, in one way or the other failed to provide a conducive environment, and protect me from a hungry hyena at a young age, affecting my childhood.

I was raised by a single mum in my infant stage, never knew or had a father figure in my life. When I turned 8 years old, my mother got married, we moved to her new husband’s place. My step father loved and welcomed us, so it seemed.

When I turned 12, the man started molesting me. We had been taught at school never to let anyone touch us indecently, I quickly ran to the only person I believed would help me out, my mother.

Unfortunately, my mother warned me, told me to never tell anyone about what I had just shared with her.

In my innocent mind, I thought my mother had a way of handling the issue. The next time it happened again, I wandered why my mother had not made it stop.

Innocently I hopped it would stop, till one unfortunate day, my mother left me home with my step father. He raped me, and I got pregnant. I was so heartbroken and lost. I was a happy jolly girl but that instance crushed me and I withdrew to myself. I became anti-social at school.

My mother eventually took me for an abortion that brought me a lot of pain, tears and wished I was dead. I wondered why my mother was so heartless leaving me under the mercy of that beast.

I was only rescued from this nightmare after I shared with my aunt. She was so bitter, wanted to call the police but my mother stopped her. My mother claimed, the man feeds, dresses, gives them all the necessities why would she offend him.

Thank God that I grew up to become a strong Christian, forgave myself and forgave my mother and my tormentor. What is Your Story?

The Writer is a mother of two and an entrepreneur  

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