Inside the Daring Move Against Speaker Among’s Empire at Parliament


On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, a section of legislators announced a plan to remove the four commissioners from Parliament, accusing them of misconduct.

MP Theodore Ssekikubo (Lwemiyaga County) said all four MPs from the Parliamentary Commission should be removed immediately over the Shs400 million and Shs500 million they shared amongst themselves as service awards.

He noted that removing them will restore the dignity and integrity of Parliament, maintain and strengthen public trust and confidence in Parliament.

The four commissioners are MPs: Esther Afoyochan (Zombo DWR), Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda DWR), Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central), and Mathias Mpuuga (Nyendo-Mukungwe).

Trouble for the Commissioners stemmed from the deals they made to award themselves a monthly salary of Shs23 million on top of the salary they’re already drawing as MPs without seeking approval from the House.

“It will be wrong for me to sit and keep quiet when a whole health center is allocated to one individual. For the record, the Ministry of Health, using the UPDF Construction Brigade, was upgrading Health Centre IIs to Health Centre IIIs at a cost of Shs500 million. We cannot afford to sit back when taxpayers are struggling to pay taxes and the taxes from our voters are misappropriated, says MP Sarah Opendi.

“I condemn the service award that was shared between the former Leader of Opposition and the other Parliamentary Commissioners,” said Kanungu West MP Joseph Ssewungu.

Recently, Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among and two other former ministers, Agnes Nandutu and Gitutu, were sanctioned by the United Kingdom government, citing corruption and embezzlement of Karamoja iron.

Prior to her sanction, Speaker Among came under intense scrutiny when a section of social activists conducted a #ParliamentExhibition that exposed dozens of rots in Parliament.

An attempt to discuss the alleged financial mismanagement in Parliament by the legislators, including Ssekikubu and Leader of Opposition Joel Ssenyonyi, fails.

Renowned activists have described the move as daringly suicidal for one to confront the mighty power of Speaker Among.

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