ISO ordered to counter ‘mafia’ civil servants skimming Parish Dev’t Model money


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has directed the Country’s counter Intelligence organization to closely monitor the implementation of Parish Development Model where government has put huge sum of money.

In a directive to Major General Jim Muhwezi, the Security Minister, President ordered Internal Security Organization-ISO to activate full intelligence network to counter corrupt officials salivating and skimming to embezzle PDM cash.

A source privy to the directive to ISO, President is aware about the negative mentality of corrupt civil servants in the districts and sub counties who have been tasked to directly implement PDM activities.

The source revealed that prior to the recent budget conference, President Museveni was fully briefed by ISO team about the possible misappropriation of PDM cash by the officials, a move that ignited his usual inquisitiveness over the matter.

In his directive, Minister Gen. Muhwezi has been ordered to immediately activate and put on high alert all the ISO units across the country including DISO, PISO and village contact before government disburses PDM cash to various destinations.

“Following the directive, Security Minister Gen Muhwezi has directed all DISOs and GISOs across the country to keep their eyes on the ground and report anyone engaged in soliciting money or bribes from the beneficiaries of the parish development model,” The source narrated.

Security Minister Maj Gen Jim Muhwezi

The source say ISO’s tasks are to conduct counter activities which shall be used to ensure transparency and fairness in the selection of beneficiaries, avert possible corruption practices by ensuring that no beneficiary is extorted by the officials.

Currently Ministers and legislators are in the country side mobilizing locals to embrace and fully participate in the implementation the program.

Gen Muhwezi has for the past one week remained within Kigezi region alongside other ministers mobilizing locals ahead of the implementation of PDM.

“I continue to engage my constituents in Buhunga Sub-County about the Parish Development Model. The government has put UGX100m for every parish to transform the 39% into a money economy. This money is for all regardless of their political affiliations,” Gen Muhwezi said.

On Tuesday, Gen Muhwezi was Bwambara Sub-county mobilising residents on PDM

On Tuesday, Minister of Gender, labor and social development, Betty Amongi asked the people of Lango to embrace NRM principals in the fight against poverty. She was conducting a similar mobilization of locals to support and fully participate in the coming PDM program.





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