MID-TERM: How Alebtong MPs Are Performing in the 11th Parliament


The road to the 2026 general election campaign has continued to take shape day by day following the release of an electoral roadmap by the Independent Electoral Commission recently.

In this first edition of our story, we bring to you how the a section of legislators from Alebtong district are performing in the 11th parliament.

The 1995 Constitution mandates a Member of Parliament to perform four major roles, including legislation, budget approval or appropriation, oversight, and representation.

In the constituency, a Member of Parliament is expected to hold consultative meetings with their constituents, update them on the activities of Parliament and government policies, and gather their views and concerns on issues that affect their livelihood. Unfortunately, most legislators usually shun their constituencies due to a huge financial burden from voters.

In Lango, we focused on Alebtong district to examine how the district woman MP Dorcas Acen and the Ajuri County MP Denis Hamson Obua also the Government Chief Whip are performing in the house.

Based on the above roles, a few legislators have scored highly in delivering all their required major roles, making it clear for them to hold reliable political grounds to retain their seats come 2026.

MP Dorcas Acen: She is serving her first term on the NRM ticket in Parliament having been elected in 2021.

R-MP Dorcas Acen while delivering sewing machines recently to youth in Alebtong

Her constant appearance in the constituency while engaging in various social activities and holding consultations with voters has earned her reliable political ground in the area.

MP Acen, as a development strategist, adopted the strategy of giving back generously to their voters in the sectors of agriculture, health, education, and social infrastructure.

Since 2021, MP Acen has, during every planting season, been distributing improved maize seeds worth millions of shillings to her electorates to empower their commercial farming.

Improved maize seeds delivered by MP Acen to farmers last year.

She has also distributed several hoes to empower peasants in the district.

In the education sector, MP Acen in addition to establishing vocational training centers to skill youths, it has also been directly paying school fees for many vulnerable children.

Under health, has provided fully serviced and operational ambulances, and went the extra mile in supporting reproductive health by providing Mama kits to most expectant mothers and also hosting several health camps in the district.

MP Aceng delivering Mama kits to pregnant mothers in Alebtong District

Her contribution in Parliament has also hit above average both in plenary and at the committee levels.

With her exclusive contribution to the constituency, MP Acen since subjected her known political opponent, also a former woman, MP Christine Acen, whose performance in the 10th parliament remained way below the belt, aware that she had taken over Alebtong from the deep-rooted shoe of the Minister, Amb Rebecca Amuge Otengo into endless jeopardy.

To many voters, MP Dorcas Acen holds a credible- motherly political image, unlike some of her opponents, whose individual social records have stayed quite contrary to socially accepted values.

In addition to the above, MP Acen has maintained a close working relationship with all the leaders, including two of her colleagues in Parliament, District LCV Boss DK Odongo, and other local leaders, unlike her predecessors, who engaged in unrealistic political squabbles that later resulted in their losses.

MP Aceng with one of her solid mobilizers

In Ajuri County, we also examined the performance of Government Chief Whip Hon. Denis Hamson Obua in the 11th Parliament.

In this 11th Parliament, GCW Obua has maintained a high political standard in terms of exclusive performances both in the house and on the ground.

Government Chief Whip Hon.Denis Hamson Obua

Since he became the Government Chief Whip, he has exclusively elongated his contribution to the constituency with strong visibility and empowerment of his voters in various sectors, including agriculture, health, and education.

Hon. Obua has also exclusively lobbied for several government initiatives in the area.

Through legislation and social engagements in the constituency, GCW has credible records way beyond those of many legislators of the same capacity in the Lango sub region.

A photo grid of GCW Hon. Denis Hamson Obua while handing handheld tractors to his people in Ajuri County

In fact, he is the current kingpin, a renown power broker, and the face of hope not only for Lango but for the entire region in this government. Owing to his, generosity above party lines, Hon. Obua has supported many people not only known for supporting NRM Party.

His ability to maintain critical working relationships with all the legislators and leaders hailing from Alebtong District has served to enhance his political grounds.

GCW Obua delivering the first batch of tractors sent to Alebtong

Hon. Obua has also considerably used his office and power in government to directly deliver various pending affairs of Lango people.

Stay tuned for our second edition of this accountability series.

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Bobson Opio
Bobson Opiohttp://niletimes.net
Bobson Opio is a trained Journalist based in Lira City,Northern Uganda.He writes for the Nile Times News but also works with Radio QFM 94.3 in Lira City.Opio focuses on health, education, politics, court and good governance issues.As a senior broadcast Journalist, Opio holds an experience dating back to 2012 when he joined Radio QFM as a luo news anchor.


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