Minister Amongi Seals Deal with NRM Party, Set to Announce Defection


The Minister for Gender, Labour, and Social Development, MP Betty Amongi Akena, is set to declare her defection to the ruling NRM party soon.

This was confirmed on Sunday, July 2nd, 2023, by the NRM Party Electoral Commission Chairman, Dr. Tanga Odoi, while officially receiving Lawyer Krispus Ayena Odongo, former Oyam North MP, to the NRM Party, adding that Minister Betty Amongi is also soon joining the party officially.

“Anytime we are receiving Hon. Amongi, my aunt, to the NRM party,” said Dr. Odoi.

Lawyer Ayena recently defected to the NRM party, and they are due to be presented to President Yoweri Museveni as a big catch from the opposition.

A source revealed that Minister Amongi has, in the recent past, been conducting secret meetings with various NRM party leaders from within the Lango region.

Several meetings were held at her hotel in Kamdini town, where she expressed her commitment to defect to the NRM party.

There has been report about her plan to contest for Northern NRM CEC seat.

Recently,  the Oyam district NRM Party publicity secretary, Phillips Ogile Jakayo said Minister Amongi was consulting on the proposal to contest for CEC Slot.

Minister Amongi, who is the wife of UPC Party President Jimmy Akena Obote and the son of former late President Dr. Milton Obote, has neither denied nor accepted the claim.

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