Mps criticise Govt as they Munch on 40M: Pretence and hypocrisy at the centre of MPs defence of teacher’s strike


A section of Members of Parliament have today 23rd June 2022, held a controversial press conference in which they voiced their ridicule against government over efforts to end the teachers strike led by UNATU.

The legislators who recently shamelessly took a hand out of 40 Million to pass the budget have exposed their hypocrisy after coming out in a stunt to portray themselves as to sympathise with the Arts teachers in Uganda.

Led by Buhweju Mp Mwijukye Francis, Mbwatekamwa Gaffa, Joseph Ssewungu and Basalirwa, the legislators claimed that the document issued directing teachers to report back to their stations was illegal, illogical and illegitimate. How hilarious!

One of the major tasks of Mps in the Budget process is the appropriation role. They deliberate and decide on how much goes to who, from the National cake. Its an act of hypocrisy for these Mps that actually allocated salary increment selectively to only the science teacher and now have twisted the narrative focusing the guns to the President. Could they be the Mps that don’t attend plenary sessions  or are they seeking for cheap popularity?  If there is any one to fault in the cause of the teachers’ strike are the Mps who are cleaning their faces with rhetoric diversionary stories.  They are to blame for deliberately leaving out arts teachers  during the allocation of budget.

Mbwatekamwa and Counterparts appearing on NTV during the press conference

These full mouthed MPs shot in their own feet. Joseph Ssewungu Gonzaga Mp Kalungu West said at the dramatic press conference, that the biggest challenge we have is that the current policy makers are not teachers and therefore do not understand. These MPs who are still chocking on Ugx.40 M that they controversially signed have now forgotten that they are part of the Policy Makers. Hypocrisy is one of the greatest sins that are rotting our leaders.

The Mps who would have represented the teachers on non-selective salary increment, did not raise the issues in the time the budget drafts were being presented. The question that beats my understanding is why didn’t they refuse the Ugx.40M that they bagged at the passing of the National Budget.

Let’s do the Math, the parliament has over 529 Mps. When the 40M they illegally handed to themselves is multiplied by their number, over Ugx.21b of the tax payer’s money is what was lavishly spent.  And here they are! Shouting and hurling insults at President Museveni and the wife. The problems facing this country start and resolve on the continuous selfishness and self-seeking Members of Parliament.

As an observing student of life, I am not surprised that MPs like Ssewungu, Mwijukye, Mbwatekamwa and Basalirwa have mastered this game!  Join the eating lot, fill your mouth, fill your stomach, fill your pockets and make noise with cameras and recorders all over. Make news, go back to your constituency and get re-elected, come back to parliament and start where you stopped. I usually see cartoons on so many officials. I can imagine how one on these hypocrites would look like if Spire was to make one on these Mps. Catholic priests must be in dilemma listening to sins of these devoted Ssewungus who have turned themselves into ‘empungu’ eagles and scavengers of parliament.

As we recover from the covid-19 effects, my expectation would be that Mps would be sensitizing the Nation about the recovery process and the need for the younger generation to catch up with the lost time in education. Currently Makerere University is dealing with three intakes in the same year. There is no need for more delay, every solution can come as we progress. Teachers should go back to school and teach as they dialogue with government.






















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