Mubende Laboratory Technologist Succumbs to Ebola Virus Disease


John Grace Walugembe, a Laboratory technologist at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital has succumbed to  Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

He was pronounced dead on Sunday after battling infection from Mubende Regional Referral Hospital where he had been admitted.

The deceased was also the proprietor of Life Care Medical Clinic in Kirungi South Division in Mubende Municipality.

He is now the fifth health worker to die from Ebola since the latest outbreak in Uganda was confirmed on September 20th.

It is believed that Walugembe could have contracted infection when he attended to a lady at his clinic who had signs and symptoms and later died at the same clinic.

The clinic was later closed down by the district task force after Walugembe was picked up and taken to an isolation center where he tested positive for Ebola.

“We closed the clinic which had been attending to Ebola suspects after a woman died from that clinic bleeding from the mouth and nose on October 9, 2022,” RDC Rosemary Byabasaija said.

After he tested positive, he was rushed to Mubende Regional Referral hospital where he was getting treatment for close to a week until he breathed his last yesterday on Sunday evening , October 10, at around 10 pm.

The deadly virus has also claimed Ronald Agaba, 23, a health assistant in Kagadi district, Tanzanian trainee doctor Mohamad Ali, and Margaret Nabisubi an anesthetic officer at Mubende regional referral hospital.

On Saturday, President Yoweri Museveni placed Kasanda and Mubende districts on a 21 day lockdown in a latest attempt to curb further spreading of the deadly virus.

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