Museveni Ignores Minister Amongi’s Attempt to Exclude Dr. Aceng from Lango Cultural Elders Meeting


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has stunned the Minister of Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Betty Amongi Akena, when he  ignored her attempt to lock out Health Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero from attending and participating in the Lango Cultural elders meeting at State House Entebbe.

A source at State House said that Minister Amongi who was entirely in charge of scrutinizing Lango delegates for the meeting with Mr. President had reportedly excluded Minister Dr. Aceng from the Friday, June 28th, 2024 meeting.

The source confirmed that when the final list of delegates approved by Minister Amongi was forwarded to Mr. Museveni for the final scrutiny as guides by protocol on Wednesday night, he (Museveni) quickly scanned through but soon noticed that Minister Dr. Aceng was missing on the list, a move that immediately tickled his sixth senses.

According to one of the senior protocol officers at State House on duty that evening, President Museveni was concerned why Dr. Aceng wasn’t on the list and tasked them to immediately interrogate further.

At exactly 4 p.m., on Thursday, June 27th 2024, His Excellency reportedly tasked another senior SFC protocol officer to find out who could have excluded Minister Aceng from the list of delegates, and Minister Amongi was finally diagnosed as the last person who sanctioned the final list that excluded Minster Dr. Aceng from the meeting.

According to this senior officer, at this point, President Museveni got concerned and immediately telephoned Minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero and summoned her to attend the meeting between him and the Lango elders regardless of Minister Amongi’s act.

As a loyal Cadre, Dr. Aceng complied and arrived at State House quite timely.

This is the latest time President Museveni is being embarrassed by Minister Amongi in a bid to deliver political interests against Minister Dr. Aceng.

It is reported that, in his telephone conversations with Dr. Aceng, the President reportedly warned Aceng not to listen or fear any political threat and intimidation from ongoing adding that he is aware of all her actions and will soon handle the matter.

Minister Amongi’s political interest in contesting for Lira City Woman MP has in the recent past ignited bad blood against Dr. Aceng.

Minister Amongi has declared interest in unseating Minister Dr. Aceng from Lira City in 2026.


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  1. Museveni is behind all conflicts and confusion in Lango. Why is he after causing fights among our people like that?
    Who is Aceng? Is the only special person in Lango here? We are tired of this maleficent actions the president is putting towards our people. Both Aceng and Amongi are our children


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