NUP Supporters Threaten to Quit Over Support for Homosexuality


Hundreds of National Unity Platform (NUP) party supporters have announced a move to quit over the continuous support for homosexuality, labeling it un-Godly.

This was announced on February 25th 2023, during an anti-gay press conference in Arua Central division, organized by Sheik Shaban and Abu Jafar at Muktar Mosque.

“Before anything else, I am a man who is a strong traditionalist, and I follow the law of nature, which is so clear for men and women, that the elders would be shocked that we are tampering with the law of nature and supporting homosexuals,” said Hadad.

According to these NUP supporters, God tells people in the Bible and Quran that a man must marry a woman, stressing that you won’t be called a believer if you hold another view contrary to what the almighty has said.

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). It does not stress that man will leave father and father to marry man, the verse is clear,” the NUP supporters quoted a bible verse.

Chris Ondoga, a NUP stalwart from Arua Central Division , said when they were growing up, one would never hear a man getting attracted to a fellow man, but since the NUP party and the principal openly supported this vice, a lot of youth have believed and are getting initiated into the habit without fear of the Bible and Quran teachings.

“At this rate, we will have no choice but to walk out of the party, as its beliefs are different from ours when it comes to men and women,” said Ondoga.

“Imagine you are a man and you are saying you are a woman, then your fellow man uses your rear to have sex with you, a place that was created by god to remove waste from your body, what a shame,” said Hadad

The remarks made by Hadad excited Sheik Jafar, who advised the NUP supporters to join the NRM in fighting homosexuality.

“I argue with you NUP supporters to join NRM, so that you fight this homosexuality that is affecting our society and leave parties with ill intentions for our country and a practice that is against the Quaran and Bible teachings,” said Sheik Jafar.

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