OYAM NORTH: Museveni Orders Probe in Ballot Pre-Ticking Claim, Congratulates UPC Party


President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni also the Chairman of the ruling NRM party has congratulated the UPC party for winning the Oyam North by-elections in which the NRM Candidate Junior Engola Samuel lost.

“Congratulations to our allies, the UPC and for the candidate, Eunice Apio, for winning the Oyam by-elections. Congratulations also to the NRM and the candidate Engola Junior because the difference between the two was very small,” said the President on Friday.

According to President Museveni, if UPC cheated in any way, the NRM can follow the legal channels. I condemn and demand action against the law-breakers that are said to have ticked the ballots on behalf of the voters. This is treason and no NRM should ever take part in that crime.

He said it’s the Opposition that has been doing that around Kampala, with the incompetent NRM officials failing to catch them. If the voters cannot do so genuinely and influence the choice of the candidates and Parties, then how can the People guarantee their future and discipline leaders? This is why the NRM went to the bush. Vote rigging, bribery, violence, lies, etc., must be banished from our elections.

“I insist that all voting must be electronic, using the thumb prints. How, then, does the pre-ticking come in? Are some People still allowing non- electronic voting?UPC has been, in recent years, positive and not disruptive and so has DP been. That is why I congratulate them, although I would have preferred the NRM to win,” said Museveni.

Nevertheless, both the UPC and the DP should pay attention to what I said at Iceme recently, President added.

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