PART ONE: Lango MPs with Narrow Chance to Retain Seats in 2026


The independent Electoral Commission recently released the 2026 election roadmap, in which September 16–17, 2025, are scheduled for the nomination of parliamentary contenders.

This has triggered massive political consultations by individuals aspiring to join the 12th Parliament.

In Lango, many people have since kicked off grassroots consultation and installed campaign structures to pave the way for their mobilization.

As those aspiring for parliamentary seats intensify consultations, our political writer has dived into analyzing the chances of some legislators from Lango whose chances to retain their seats have continued to dwindle daily.

Christine Akello, aka Gwok Adako, the Erute North County (Lira) Member of Parliament (NRM), is serving her first term in Parliament.

MP Christine Akello of Erute North

She is mostly faulted for not living up to the performances of her predecessors, the late Hon. Charles Angiro Gutumoi and Geoffrey Omara Adigi.

Her trouble deepened when her appearance and contribution in the constituency and Parliament remained way below the belt politically.

The constant visibility of Lira district woman MP Linda Auma in Erute North severely ravaged MP Akello’s support and overwhelmingly overshadowed her political image. Her possible contenders in 2026 include former MP Omara Adigi and Lira District LCV Chief Mr. Okello Orik.

MP Samuel Okwir Odwe: He is the Moroto County (Alebtong) representative in the 11th Parliament and is serving his second term.

MP Samuel Okwir Odwe of Moroto County in Alebtong district

He joined Parliament in 2016 after being heavily aided to defeat the then Minister for Northern Uganda, Ambassador Rebecca Amuge Otengo. Hon. Okwir’s parliamentary performances have remained quite low, especially during plenary sessions.

His trouble in the constituency also escalated when he failed to deliver a larger percentage of his manifestos. Heavy appearance and contributions from his colleagues representing other constituencies in the same district have malnourished his meager contributions. Opio Elia (UPC) is among the contenders to watch in 2026 against Okwir Odwe.

MP Sadrack Obong Eyit is the first-time legislator representing Lira City West in the 11th Parliament on a UPC ticket. His contribution to Parliament, both in plenary and at committee levels, has not impressed his voters.

MP Sadrack Obong Eyit of Lira City West

Obong’s overall performance in the constituency has also remained extremely low and annoying to his voters. When it comes to plenary sessions, MP Obong often enjoys a calming space only while laughing unlike other legislators who are always contributing in the house.

Omara Paul: He is the Otuke County legislator (independent) serving a second term in Parliament. Omara Paul, despite being a good debater in Parliament, his relevance and contributions in the constituency have remained largely low compared to the contributions of his other colleagues like MP Acon and Woman MP Sudan Abeja. Omara’s trouble escalated when he opted to hold on to a political fight with MPs Acon and Abeja, who are considered political king and queen of Otuke district. His known challenger, Richard Omara Awio, has maintained a heavy political alertness on the ground, a move that has threatened MP Omara’s chances.

Moses Ogwal Goli: He is the Dokolo North MP serving his first term in Parliament. Like many of the few MPs, Goli’s matchbox has never lit his performance in Parliament; in fact, his political stove has remained clothed with coldness and no hope to create fire at any chance. Hamza Okello of UPC is among politically sensitive contenders to watch in 2026.

Stay tuned for the next edition of this article.

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