REVEALED: How Minister Amongi’s Political Trumpet Rudely Woke Up Dr. Aceng from Slumberland


As the clock ticks so fast and 2026 makes way in a haste, the political temperature climax to it’s boiling points. Calculative moves shows up as attacks, counterattacks and defense of backyards in Lira City Woman MP Seat intensifies.

The battle for Lira City Woman MP Seat is a must watch series for all political analysts and commentaries who yearns to have a grounding to help them deeply discern the murky Lango politics.

Few months ago, the flamboyant Oyam South Legislator who also doubles as Gender Labour and Social Development Minister Hon Betty Amongi Akena embarked on making regular appearances within Lira City vicinity that raised eye brows on what she surely intended to achieve.

The cat couldn’t stay longer in the bag- it had to opt out and boom! The girl from Minakulu now wants to live closer with her husband and in- laws so as to ease sharing of family social and political walks together.

In Lango, it’s culturally prudent for a bride to move in to the groom’s house. A wife is only for a man for conjugal purpose but owned by the whole clan for social protection reasons. My Lango elderly readers corroborate this. Amongi missed this clan ownership for long and it’s perfect she came to this realization.

This however comes with a shift in her political playing pitch that caught one of her sister in law- Aceng in a deep political slumber as complacency had whistled to Aceng’s inner ears an easy walk to 2026 victory premised on the assumption of no serious contender to worry herself about in both her yellow brigade and the red battalion. Amongi’s political trumpet rudely woke her up from the comfort zone.

As the recruitment and strategizing took center stage by both two daughters of Oyam origin and Lango in preparation for the protracted duet, Amongi who is not just a political spin mistress but also a pace setter in the dynamic and rough Lango politics terrain explored the unknown corridors. Carefully recruited hardline media personalities who specialized popularizing her 2026 political trek and just within just a quarter of a year, every household in the City is now familiar with Amongi’s arrival and the bouquet she comes with for Lira City electirates.

Additionally, she surrounds herself with very hungry vote poachers and majority were previously Aceng’s living tools to comb all the hidden corners of Lira City in search for votes. This comfortably cushioned Amongi’s landing in the new Eden throwing unprepared Aceng to the worry world and quick fix things mode to challenge the elephant the invading even when she had confidently informed the Cabinet that she single handedly though with support of a few yellow blooded beings had settled the ever staggering Lira City and Lango political waters in favor of NRM and Gen YKT Museveni as UPC retreats to Lango rurals.

As expected, desperate situations calls for desperate moves. Her fellow table diners rushed to rebuke and calling it a taboo for Amongi to desert her Oyam South that she has continuously swept politically to come and disorganize Lira City fabric. They selfishly purge in the Lango spirit and national representation to put flesh on this mockery claim.

Attempts to mediate through some bias and compromised Lango cultural and religious leaders to put a break on Amongi’s very swift advances seems not to be adding up. The only emergency door to checkout now becomes Plot 1 occupied by citizen No.1.

A bus full of sympathisers of the lady at the helm of the Health Ministry was recently reported snaking through the gates at State House not to express displeasure over removal of Akii Bua Stadium from hosting AFCON27 but to ask Uganda’s political mastercard holder to bring to an end Amongi’s unstoppable invasion. Whatever transpired though from that tour remains at the chests but from the look of things, it points to attempts in futility.

Back home, Aceng’s media team and political house scales down their offensive and defenses as they get disintegrated and depleted by day. This is attributed to a no customer care situation there. Phone calls are not picked, financial lubrication reduced and unnecessary reprimand for simple mistakes made that can be ignored.

The camp has become so fragile that it’s pillar now rests on Lira’s City Mayor Sam Atul who’s also badly loosing his political grip stemming from untold incompetence so far he’s exhibited in steering the fast growing industrial northern city, a few businessmen in the City, Mulengera online news website known unleashing frail and crude journalistic contents and Lira’s Resident City Commissioner, a reason why Aceng is putting a spirited fight to have Egole Lawrence retained in Lira City for her continued survival in the political ICU.

Whatever happens in the coming days- God knows but for now Amongi narrows on, squeezes Aceng dry of ideal escape strategies.

The writer is Rashid Acup, a member of Minister Betty Amongi Akena’s media team and  also a renowned NRM Cadre in Lira City.

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