REVEALED: Kiza Won’t Support Opposition’s Sole Candidate in 2026


The opposition strongman, also the Forum for Democratic Change party founding chairman, Col. (Rtd.) Dr.Kizza Besigye, has said he won’t support the idea of the opposition fronting the sole candidate in the 2026 presidential elections.

While speaking during the Opposition’s retreat held at Munyonyo, Kampala, Besigye told opposition leaders that he would not accept being part of such thinking.

“If you are planning for a sole candidate in the 2026 elections, I am not with you. I will not be considered for those kinds of things,” said the former NRA Bush war master.

He explained that for 60 years since Independence, Ugandans have never said we’re lifting this one to be our leader adding that all leaders are lifted into office by guns and removed by guns.

“Clearly people do not have power. Those who have guns have the power. So, the people with guns are sovereign, not the people of Uganda,”said Besigye.

“All institutions in Uganda were captured by the regime. Institutions serve those who have power, not those who don’t have power. So, all institutions today serve Mr Museveni who’s the sovereign. Parliament was captured. That’s why soldiers the other day entered Parliament and beat up MPs. We now have cripples because they were beaten by soldiers in Parliament. We saw what happened in court when black mambas attacked court, the temple of justice. Justice James Ogoola who was the principal judge then said ‘the temple of justice has been raped.’ That rape continues. So we cannot have an independent judiciary  or electoral commission. That’s a joke,” said Besigye.

Charles Rwomushana, a social city commentator, said Besigye usually fights against whatever plan doesn’t benefit his idea at a personal level.

“Besigye has shown a tendency to dismantle anything that doesn’t benefit him personally, and that’s the reason he brought Amuriat against Muntu since he couldn’t tolerate Muntu and Miria Matembe being the party president,” said Rwomushana.

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  1. I feel it would not make sense even to the public, because they won’t participate in selection of the candidate that will confront the one in power, how will they know that the sole candidate will be welcomed by the public, me I suggest all should come and the public select whom they feel that is the best


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