Tekwaro Lango Reacts to Anti-Homosexuality Bill Passed by Parliament


Lango Paramount Chief , Eng. Dr. Moses Michael Odongo Okune, the Lango Paramount Chief has congratulated Parliament upon the successful passage of the bill, describing it as a noble contribution to protecting, and promoting the right cultural values and morals of not only the African people but the entire world.

On Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, the 11th Parliament passed the anti-homosexuality bill 2023, which now awaits President Yoweri Museveni’s assent.

“As Lango Cultural Leadership, we wish to extend our sincere gratitude to the institution of Parliament, the government, the Speaker of Parliament, and Members of Parliament for deliberately passing the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 successfully despite certain deviations by a section,” His Highness Dr. Okune said in a brief statement released on Wednesday afternoon.

According to HH Eng. Dr. Okune, once the bill is passed into law, it will enhance and support cultural roles that nurture his subjects into protecting, promoting, and identifying with the right sexual orientation as propelled by the Lord.

The Paramount Chief  urged His Excellency the President not to hesitate in signing the bill into law, saying it will remain a strong tool in shaping attitudes toward morality within society.

Describing it as a taboo for any son or daughter of Lango to engage in homosexuality or lesbianism, HH Eng. Dr. Okune encouraged other political and religious leaders to remain strong against the vice, which he said frustrates efforts toward positive humanity.

A week ago, Tekwaro Lango unveiled its official position on homosexuality and lesbianism, defining homosexuality as an “abnormal lifestyle choice.”

The Paramount Chief, Dr Odongo Okune, in a media statement urged subjects to reject such an abnormal lifestyle with the contempt it deserves.

He further suggested that gay people and those promoting homosexuality should not be legally protected from discrimination.

President Yoweri Museveni last week during his nation address in parliament described homosexuals as deviants.

The homosexuals are deviations from normal. Why?  Is it by nature or nurture? We need to answer these questions,” the president said.

“We need a medical opinion on that. We shall discuss it thoroughly. Western countries should stop wasting the time of humanity by trying to impose their practices on other people,” Museveni said in an address boycotted by opposition legislators from the National Unity Platform Party.

“Europeans and other groups marry cousins and near relatives. Here, marrying within one’s clan is taboo. Should we impose sanctions on them for marrying relatives? This is not our job,” he added.

Under the proposed law, anyone who engages in same-sex activity or who identifies as LGBTQ could face up to 10 years’ imprisonment.


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