The Magic and Sensational beauty of Fort Portal, the Tourism capital of Uganda


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The budding tourism city Fort Portal is an adorable township, popular among tourists traveling from across the globe because of her situation in the centre of Uganda’s most naturally gifted region engulfed in multitudes of attractions dotted by the most notable Rwenzori mountains.

Seasoned by the world’s primate capital Kibale National Park, over 50 crater lakes, green hills, rivers, varied species of flora and fauna the city is endowed with beautiful, pacific and hospitable people.

Fort Portal is enveloped by breathtaking nature averaging not more than an hour away to neighbouring districts including the medley of wonders Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lakes George and Edward in Kasese, Tooro Semiliki National Park, Lake Albert and the Great Rift Valley in Ntoroko and Sempaya Hot springs and Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Bundibugyo.

It is the home Youngest Reigning Monarch Omukama Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV. Unlike other towns in Uganda, its name is in English being named after Sir Gerald Portal of  UK. This attracts scores of travelers from different parts of the world.

Fort Portal rose to the summit of all Ugandan towns back in age during the colonial times when Uganda was a protectorate of the British. Due to her weather that is not so different from Europe and the amazing natural environment, the British turned Fort Portal into their sitting room from where plans for Uganda were drawn.

They were  motivated  to protect the haven from external aggression by building a military base also known as a Fort at Booma Hill where the current Tooro Golf Club sits hence the name Fort Portal.

Fort Portal continues rising into a modern urban centre as the town becomes one of the cleanest in East Africa with hardly a glimpse of polythene paper and rubbish common with other towns and cities in the region.

Fort Portal has consistently grown from a British Fort to a popular international destination for nature lovers to a top social and economic brand influencing numerous travelers and business men. Due to her popularity all over the world and her strategic location has influenced business men and women to set up world class hotels and sites that currently attract honeymooners, holiday makers, backpackers and nature lovers among others.

Fort Portal as a high flying brand has overshadowed her mother district Kabarole and Tooro Kingdom. It is a stunning fact that most people including media reporters think apparently Fort Portal is a district. Some people traveling to any destination from Kyegegwa to Kasese will say they are traveling to Fort Portal; such is the power garnered by the Fort Portal brand.

The entertainment industry has not been spared either, lots of popular songs have been recorded full of praise about the beautiful town including the hit Beautiful land by Joseph Israel. A movie Wrong Incite has also been produced promoting the beauty and tourism investment potential of Fort Portal featuring the LCV Kabarole District Hon. Richard Rwabuhinga and Member of Parliament Fort Portal Hon. Alex Ruhunda in the movie cast.


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