Top 10 Harsh Truths Women Don’t Want You to Know


In the book of Proverbs 11:16, God said; “A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth.

Today, our relationship expert takes you through critical secrets about women which they often don’t want men to know and we say; “Men Don’t Be a Fool”

  • Women don’t respect WEAK men. This is the one thing they despise the most. A woman expects her man to be strong to a larger extent including financially, and straight to the task.
  • Women are naturally jealous creatures. This is a trait they all have but they’re just better at hiding it. Their jealousy is the sole reason they can’t be friends with other women who are better-looking than them. But if their man makes them jealous it turns them on.
  • Women aren’t loyal to their man, God or anyone. They don’t even care about the struggle of their man. They are only loyal to their feelings. That’s why they are always ready to move on to the next best option for themselves, even if they are married.
  • Men helps women. Women helps women. The government helps women. You’re a man no one will give you sympathy. Only women and children who are weak are helped, men who are weak are despised. Always aim for respect over sympathy and love.
  • Women want to flourish in their feminity for that they want a capable leader who handles everything and don’t leave the duty of decision-making on her shoulders. Remember the more dominant you are, the more submissive she will be to you. Tip – Mix dominance with affection.
  • Women love mystery because they are very curious by nature. Being mysterious is a tool that keeps women interested and intrigued. If they don’t know your next move, they will always wonder about you. Keep some secrets, reveal less. They’ll want more.
  • A man who makes women his goal, ends up losing them. Your purpose in life should come before women. If you allow women they will consume all of your time, which will be a hurdle in pursuing your goals. “Purpose over pvssy”
  • A woman will drive a Ferrari only on weekends rather than driving a Toyota every day. Meaning : Women would rather share a high-value man than settle for a faithful low-value man.
  • Women love being around a man who is always calm and composed. Women’s emotions are like ocean waves sometimes high and low they want you to be their rock On which they can lay the burden of your emotions. You can’t ask for a feminine woman without her being dramatic.
  • Women love spontaneity. Being boring and predictable is the fastest way to make her dry and get another Sahara Desert. Being unpredictable is the key. Women believe that once priority has change, memory doesn’t matter, therefore, concentrate on developing yourself.

Men today are suffering from issues that no one talks about:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Masturbation
  • Obesity Men, pick yourself up

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