
Over two hundred years ago, the formation of the United States of America (USA), a Union of 50 States, began with only thirteen states.

The rest of the States were brought on board from time to time through different means and approaches.

Some of the initial pioneer entrants to the grand Union were; Delaware in 1787, Pennsylvania in 1787, New Jersey in 1787, Georgia in 1788 and Massachusetts in 1788.

The rest of the territories were annexed to the Union through militarily action, diplomacy or economic suffocation.

In the like manner, Africa will not unite by mere signing of treaties, charters and conventions but, in the alternative, by the muzzle of the gun!

Let a considerable part of Africa, say the East African Community attain political federation, build a strong government, a strong Federal army and use this army to annex the remaining non-complaint States-one by one, until a United States of Africa is realised.

Diplomacy can work appropriately in bringing on board willing states whereas economic restraints could also be applied especially against unyielding land-locked territories.

Thereafter, let there be one strong federal currency, an official federal language, a strong federal army and properly crafted federal administrative structures that are necessary to propel a United Republic of Africa to greater heights.

This way, Africa will be able to claim itself rightful position on the global landscape.

My humble random thought!


Stephen Turyatunga Ikamukuba is an Advocate of the High Court of Uganda.

Email: steveturya@gmail.com

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