UPDF, SNA Issue Deadly Strategies Against Al-Shabaab Terrorists


The Uganda People’s Defence Forces serving under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in conjunction with the Somali National Army ( SNA) has released a detailed strategy to counter and ruthlessly dealth with Al-Shabaab terrorists in lower Shabelle region of Somalia.

This stemmed from a joint meeting between  the UPDF Commander Land Forces, Lt Gen Kayanja Muhanga, and the Somali National Army (SNA) Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Odowaa Yusuf Rageh who have jointly agreed to enact a curfew on the highway (main supply route) from Afgoye to Barawe in the lower Shabelle region.

Lt.Gen Kayanja Muhanga, the UPDF CLF interacting with UPDF soldiers in Lower Shabelle region whose FOB was recently attack and overrun by Al-Shabaab terrorists using the Vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices.
Photo by Defence Press Unit-DPU of the UPDF

Maj. Peter Mugisa, the Uganda Contingent spokesperson in Somalia, said there will be no more movement of vehicles and motorcycles at night within the area, and the order shall take effect immediately after commanders on the ground have harmonised with the local leaders of Marka and Kuutnuwarey districts.

He said the curfew agreement was proposed on May 29, 2023, at Goloweyn Forward Operating Base (FOB), where the two generals met commanders and troops serving under ATMIS in Sector 1.


UPDF CLF Lt.Gen Kayanja Muhanga together with soldiers at the Bullo Marer FOB in lower Shabelle region of Somalia.He encouraged and tipped on the latest strategies to ruthlessly curtail the operations of already weakened Al-Shabaab terrorists.Photo by UPDF Defence Press Unit.

“The Generals agreed that stopping vehicle movement at night would deny Alshabaab’s use of vehicle-borne improvised devices as a weapon of choice to carry out complex attacks. The generals instructed commanders on the ground to “agree with local leaders to put a ban on the movement of vehicles and motor cycles at night. This will deny Alshabaab the use of vehicles laden with bombs to attack our FOBs,” said Maj. Mugisha.

Gen Kayanja Muhanga with a section of the UPDF FOB Commanders.Photo by DPU

Lt. Gen. Kayanja Muhanga is in Somalia to establish the root cause of the Alshabaab attack on Bulomareer FOB and eventual overrun on May 26, 2023.

He informed the troops that he was in the mission area to investigate and also encouraged them to do their due diligence as mandated by the African Union.

“Our findings will be submitted to the Commander in Chief, the President of Uganda, for the way forward.” Gen. Kayanja said

The CLF reminded soldiers that the weakened Alshabaab’s use of suicide bombers in vehicles as a weapon of choice is to create shock, confusion, and fear and use the opportunity to raid the bases. He therefore advised them to conquer fear and be bold and aggressive. “It is not that we don’t fear to die. We do. However, a well-briefed soldier conquers fear and takes timely decisive action on the enemy to bear.” Said Gen. Kayanja.

The CLF team comprises Col Stuart Agaba, Director Operations Land Forces; Col Elvis Byamukama, MovCon commander; and Lt Col Albert Kashakamba, Director Intelligence Land Forces.

This is the latest step taken by the joint forces following President Museveni’s statement that Al-Shabaab terrorists should brace for tough times soon as a punishment for attacking and killing some UPDF soldiers currently serving under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia.

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  1. This people need peter elwelu not any other commander.
    We have started regretting the death of our bold commanders like Paul Lukech. Besides that UPDF should start a fresh selection of soldiers to be taken to somalia not basing on money, relatives or tribes if not more killing will take place.


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