Why Lira City Tycoons Have Joined Minister Amongi, Dr. Aceng’s Battle


A section of top businessmen in Lira City have joined the current political dispute between two senior cabinet members hailing from the Lango sub region.

The fierce political disagreement between Gender, Labour, and Social Development Minister Betty Amongi Akena and Health Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero has continued to take on different dirty shapes day by day.

The dispute between two power-wielding leaders in the NRM escalated when Minister Amongi, also the Oyam South County Member of Parliament, declared interest in removing her colleague Dr. Aceng from Parliament.

Geoffrey Etwop, a prominent tycoon in Lira City who operates fleets of businesses including malls, rentals, oil and gas, and construction, is the latest to join this war.

Recently, Etwop, who is also the head of the Ober clan in Lango, attended the ceremony to officially open a newly built hotel in Lira City and repeatedly attacked Minister Dr. Aceng for having failed to deliver her manifestos.

“For us, the businessmen of Lira City, we are united to bring development to Lango. As businessmen, we are being fought. Okello Lawrence, the owner of this hotel, said he was recently in prison just because of land sold to him. We have some leaders who are incapable of leading Lira City. How do you want us, the businessmen, to develop this region when you are fighting us? If you are not fit to lead this city, stop fighting businessmen; we are very peaceful people, and I wish to assure you that those fighting us will fight them back,” Etwop said.

According to Etwop, Minister Better Amongi’s coming to contest against Dr. Aceng in 2026 should serve the interests of Lira City residents, including businessmen, but not fight them.

“Hon. Minister, we shall support you so long as you will work for our interests. Let your coming here (Lira City) serve the interests of our people; we are here willing to work with anyone who can corporate with businessmen,” said Etwop.

Lawrence Okello, aka Okello Otwal Oil Energy, a local businessman in Lira City who was recently charged with encroaching on the NFA land along Ngeta Road in Lira City, is also among the tycoons who have declared massive support for Minister Amongi’s political bid in Lira City.

Minister Amongi recently presided as the chief guest during the launch of a mega hotel built in Jinja Camp, Lira City, by Lawrence Okello, aka Okello Oil Energy.

Prior to New Year festivities, Minister Amongi held a large meeting with over 100 LCI chiefs from all the villages within Lira City to sensitise them about various government programmes.

Another source revealed that the disgruntled tycoons have blamed their criminal trouble arising from the alleged illegal acquisition of public lands on Dr. Aceng, claiming she is the one behind it. This specific claim has been trashed by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit.

The unit has described the claim as diversionary and politically motivated.

Several tycoons from Lira City are currently facing investigations over alleged illegal acquisitions of public land, some of whom have since returned the titles and surrendered the said lands.

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