MP Obong Eyit Battles Tough Political Collapse: Plots to End His Parliamentary Tour in 2026 Sealed


In 2020, the government created Lira City, a move that established several administrative units and political offices within the two divisions, including Lira City East and Lira City West.

Vincent Shedrick Obong Eyit, a renown local businessman, was elected as the pioneer area Member of Parliament for Lira City West Division on the Opposition UPC party ticket.

Politically faded MP Vincent Obong Eyit of Lira City West Division humbles himself to greet Wonyaci of Lango elect, Eng. Dr. MM Odongo Okune whose coronation is slated for November 2nd 2024.File photo.

MP Obong, a veteran local councilor at Lira District Council, who is serving his first time in Parliament is still seeking to retain the seat come 2026.

His decision to seek re-election has, however, been described by political pundits as similar to the famous “second coming of Jesus Christ,” for which many believers have continued to wait for more than 2000 years now.

Like many first-time legislators both within Lango and other parts of the country, MP Obong’s minimal visibility and participation during various plenary sessions in Parliament have continued to sponsor his drastic political downfall, with many voters accusing him of not eloquently presenting issues affecting them in Parliament, unlike other legislators.

He is prominently blamed for not having lived to his pledges of effective representation in Parliament by performing quality legislation, among others.

In 2022, Obong was listed among MPs with the most minimal or worst record of submissions in Parliament during plenary sessions.

It should also be noted that the UPC legislator (MP Obong Eyit), who also owns fleets of investments, including Light Vocational Secondary School, whose 2023 UCE results were temporarily held by UNEB over examination malpractices, secured the same record of worst participation during plenary sessions in 2023, according to Parliamentary Hansard.

MP Obong’s record of performances in parliament risks remaining a bit appalling even in 2024 if we are to go by his previous pace of contribution in plenary.

He is blamed for abandoning many of his prominent campaign managers, like Awany Cingmalo, Isaac Ogwal Ogweng, and many business communities that even sacrificed their resources to mobilize for him in the last election.

More shockingly, MP Obong is said to have cut political ties with the Lira City Woman representative, Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero, who spiritedly campaigned for him using her own resources.

Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero who campaigned for MP Obong Eyit whose political empire is on fire ahead dof 2026. He is said to have abandoned Minister Dr. Aceng for Betty Amongi who is also massively supported by his brother  tycoon Geoffrey Etwop.

Political pundits in Lira City have confessed that Obong Eyit would not have become a Member of Parliament had he not been sheltered under Minister Dr. Aceng’s large political armpit.

Recently, a media report highlighted how MP Obong’s voters are worryingly concerned about his minimal contribution both in plenary and at committee levels, which have remained awfully prominent.

MP Obong Eyit is also blamed for not attending certain big functions within the city, unlike his other two colleagues, Dr. Aceng and MP Akena.

As a result of the above, many political leaders, including Lira City Mayor Sam Atul of the NRM Party, Joel Okao Tema of the FDC, Andre Awany, the current Kole district LCV Chairperson, among others, have expressed interest in unseating MP Obong Eyit in 2026.

MP Obong’s overall performance in the constituency has also remained extremely low and annoying to his voters.

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