What Best MPs in Lango Talked; Tight-Lipped Members Face 2026 Massive Political Massacre


The recently released performance of Members of Parliament has sparked a massive uproar in the Lango Sub region, with voters vowing to subject those who performed poorly to a political massacre in 2026.

Throughout the 87 sittings, the legislators, including Odur Jonathan (Erute South), Santa Alum, the Oyam District Woman Representative, Government Chief Whip Denis Hamson Obua, Minister Betty Amongi of Oyam South, Felix Okot Ogong, Dr. Samuel Opio Acuti, and Linda Agnes Auma of Lira District, spoke extremely elaborately on education, health, wealth creation, democracy, human rights, trade, sport, and poverty.

MP Auma of Lira district, who spoke articulately 20 times, specifically about the controversial Akii Bua Olympic Stadium and recently on government delay and reluctance in conducting livestock compensation, among others.

She recently shocked members when she challenged Attorney General Kiwanuka Kiryowa on the issue of livestock compensation. Auma, also the Vice Chairperson of the National Women’s Council, remained critical of issues affecting them.

Minister Amongi, who has also expressed interest in kicking out Minister Jane Aceng from the house in 2026, spoke 25 times amidst her tight schedules.

Among them, the UPC iron lady is on record as having spoken severally on issues of labor, government programs, including PDM, Emyooga, and cultural institutions in the country.

In spite of her busy schedules, Amongi spoke critically, including pushing and lobbying the government to start paying a monthly stipend of Sh60 million to every cultural institution in Uganda.

As a Cabinet Minister, she used her parliamentary exposure to present many other vital issues affecting the region to the government. She also spoke on issues of social assistant grants for the elderly, arguing that if possible, the government should increase the amount being paid to elderly citizens.


Despite this glaring performance, some MPs from the region spoke less than 15 times, causing permanent regional legislative embarrassment and shame for their voters.

The photo of poorly performed MPs including the one of Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero who spoke for less than 15 times.

Actually most MPs who talked for less than 15 times were majorly only recorded for making tribute statement  like “may His/Her Soul Rest in Peace, Amen!! The House will forever miss the fallen Hon. Member so dearly among other statements while mourning fallen MPs.

This has sparked an angry reaction from among voters, who have warned the legislators who kept their beaks shut and tight-lipped to brace for a massive political massacre in 2026 for betraying voters and causing perpetual humiliation to the people of Lango.

Health Minister Dr. Jane Aceng Ocero (a cabinet member) shockingly spoke only 14 times, something that has been rated by pundits as political embarrassment and an act of Luke warmness.

“By virtue of being a Cabinet Minister who goes to parliament every day, one has a direct chance to regularly submit in Parliament without limitation, unlike ordinary members whose chance is greatly limited; therefore, for a Cabinet member like Aceng to speak less than 15 times like an ordinary member is a sign of incompetence and a betrayal to voters and her own country,” said a local political commentator.

Another commentator argued that Aceng’s political relevance could have dwindled with the demise of the deadly global killer COVID-19, which gave her platforms to speak on a silver plate.

“In fact, without COVID-19, Minister Aceng seems to have found herself having nothing to talk about, and yet there are a lot of challenges affecting health service delivery in the country that she should have talked about,” said a voter in Lira City.

Northern Youth MP Boniface Okot is another ice-cold legislator who spoke only 13 times, yet he represents the largest constituency, comprising of three regions including Lango, Acholi, and West Nile, with several issues affecting youth that he could have presented in Parliament.

In the next edition, we shall analyze how MPs Ocan Patrick, Akello Christine of Erute North, Peter Ocen Akalo, Abeja Susan of Otuke, Nelson Lemba Okello of Maruzi North, James Olobo of Kioga North County, and Betty Engola performed and why they failed to speak eloquently in the house despite hundreds of challenges affecting their constituencies.



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  1. Most of the gov’t services in lango are extremely poor compared to the neighbouring regions like acholi sub region. when you take a look at roads, they’re very poor with potholes. Our mps do not take their time to come back and monitor the services delivered to their voters. Once they go through, kampala becomes their new home and they come back during timebfor election to make false promises.


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